
From Hydrogenaudio Knowledgebase
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Foobar2000_Logo.png foobar2000
Screenshot of the Components page
Screenshot of the Components page

Deprecated pages

Pages marked * are added via third-party components.

The Components preference page contains a list of all the components installed, and displays information about each component. By clicking on the table headers, you can sort the list by component name, DLL name or version. For most components, if you double click an item in the list you get a pop-up with more detailed information.

Grey items are components provided with the foobar2000 installer or have been manually installed. Black items are installed using the “Install...” button and can be updated using the “Get updates” button if they are hosted on the official components repository.

To generate a report of loaded components for troubleshooting / posting tech support questions on the forums, you can use the “Copy report” button.

See also

External links