REACT:Adding Support For Disc Information

From Hydrogenaudio Knowledgebase

This page provides code examples to allow you to update your image and track config files to create folders and tags using the @discnumber@, @totaldiscs@ and @discname@ tokens which are provided by default with Synthetic Soul's REACT Mod.

The code used includes settings for TAK, which can be added by following the guide "REACT:Adding Support For TAK". If you do not require TAK support you can either leave this code as-is, or remove any line referring to TAK.


  • A version of REACT which has the Additional Meta Data dialogue, i.e.: Synthetic Soul's REACT Mod.
  • The beta version of metamp3, in order to set the TXXX frame "setsubtitle" for MP3 files, if @discname@ is provided.


Add the code below, somewhere at the beginning of your CFG file.

REM ** Create Disc-related tags if we have a set

REM If a disc name has been provided
IF "@discname@" EQU "" GOTO end_discname
SET discName=discname
SET discName=@%discname%@
IF "@discname@" EQU "%discName%" GOTO end_discname

	REM Set tagging switches
	SET Disc_Flac=-T "discname=@discname@"
	SET Disc_Wavpack=-w "discname=@discname@"
	REM SET Disc_MP3=--frame TSST:"@discname@"
	SET Disc_MP3=--frame "TXXX[setsubtitle]:@discname@"
	SET Disc_OggEnc2=-c "discname=@discname@"
	SET Disc_Tak=-t "discname=@discname@"
	SET Disc_Flac_acdir=-T $qdiscname=@discname@$q
	SET Disc_Wavpack_acdir=-w $qdiscname=@discname@"$q
	REM SET Disc_MP3_acdir=--frame TSST:$q@discname@$q
	SET Disc_MP3_acdir=--frame $qTXXX[setsubtitle]:@discname@$q
	SET Disc_OggEnc2_acdir=-c $qdiscname=@discname@$q
	SET Disc_Tak_acdir=-t $qdiscname=@discname@$q

	REM Add disc name to image and track folder paths
	SET imageDir=%imageDir%\$discname$
	SET trackDir=%trackDir%\$discname$

	GOTO :end_discnumber


REM Ensure that we have numeric values
SET /A discNumber = @discnumber@ + 0
SET /A totalDiscs = @totaldiscs@ + 0

REM IF a valid disc number and total number of discs has been provided
IF %totalDiscs% LEQ 1 GOTO :end_discnumber
IF %discNumber% LEQ 0 GOTO :end_discnumber

	REM Set tagging switches
	SET Disc_Flac=-T "discnumber=@discnumber@" -T "totaldiscs=@totaldiscs@"
	SET Disc_Wavpack=-w "discnumber=@discnumber@" -w "totaldiscs=@totaldiscs@"
	SET Disc_MP3=--frame TPOS:"@discnumber@/@totaldiscs@"
	SET Disc_NeroAac=--disk "@discnumber@/@totaldiscs@"
	SET Disc_OggEnc2=-c "discnumber=@discnumber@" -c "totaldiscs=@totaldiscs@"
	SET Disc_Tak=-t "discnumber=@discnumber@" -t "totaldiscs=@totaldiscs@"
	SET Disc_Flac_acdir=-T $qdiscnumber=@discnumber@$q -T $qtotaldiscs=@totaldiscs@$q
	SET Disc_Wavpack_acdir=-w $qdiscnumber=@discnumber@$q -w $qtotaldiscs=@totaldiscs@$q
	SET Disc_MP3_acdir=--frame TPOS:$q@discnumber@/@totaldiscs@$q
	SET Disc_NeroAac_acdir=--disk $q@discnumber@/@totaldiscs@$q
	SET Disc_OggEnc2_acdir=-c $qdiscnumber=@discnumber@$q -c $qtotaldiscs=@totaldiscs@$q
	SET Disc_Tak_acdir=-t $qdiscnumber=@discnumber@$q -t $qtotaldiscs=@totaldiscs@$q

	REM Add disc number to image and track folder paths
	SET imageDir=%imageDir%\Disc @discnumber@
	SET trackDir=%trackDir%\Disc @discnumber@


The code below uses the FLAC image section to demonstrate the use of the %imageDir% and %Disc_Flac% variables. You will need to amend the other sections accordingly.

IF NOT @ImageExt@==flac GOTO end_flac_image
	SET dest="@ImageDir_Flac@%imageDir%"
	IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
	IF %embed_cover%==1 SET Cover_tag=--picture="|image/jpeg|||@cover@"
	@tools@\flac.exe @Opt_Flac@ %RG_Flac% %Cover_tag% %Disc_Flac% -T "%ArtistField%=@cdartist@" -T album="@album@" -T totaltracks="@numtracks@" -T date="@year@" -T genre="@genre@" -T comment="@comment@" -T encoded-by="%USERNAME%" -T encoding="Flac @Ver_Flac@ @Opt_Flac@" --tag-from-file="cuesheet=@cuesheet@" --tag-from-file="eaclog=@eaclog@" "@source@" -o "@image@"
	MOVE /Y "@image@" %dest%
	MOVE /Y "@cuesheet@" %dest%
	IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "@cover@" %dest%\"@basename@.jpg"

The code below uses the FLAC tracks section to demonstrate the use of the %trackDir% and %Disc_Flac_acdir% variables. You will need to amend the other sections accordingly.

IF NOT @Flac@==1 GOTO end_flac_tracks
	SET dest="@TrackDir_Flac@%trackDir%"
	IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
	PUSHD %dest%
		IF @various@==1 SET VA_tag=-T $qalbum artist=@VA@$q
		IF %embed_cover%==1 SET Cover_tag=--picture=$#x
		@tools@\acdir.exe --overwrite --output "%TrackName%.flac" --extra-opt "|image/jpeg|||@cover@" --pipe "TITLE $n/$N flac $#T & @tools@\flac.exe @Opt_Flac@ %Cover_tag% %VA_tag% %Disc_Flac_acdir% -T artist=$#a -T album=$#T -T title=$#t -T tracknumber=$n/$N -T date=$q@year@$q -T genre=$q@genre@$q -T comment=$q@comment@$q -T encoded-by=$q%USERNAME%$q -T encoding=$qFlac @Ver_Flac@ @Opt_Flac@$q - -o $#o" "@sourcecuesheet@"
		IF %add_rg%==1 @tools@\Glob.exe -v -c @tools@\metaflac.exe %RG_MetaFlac% *.flac
		COPY /Y "@eaclog@" "EAClog.txt"
		IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "@cover@" "folder.jpg"
		IF EXIST "@albumfile@.[*].cue" COPY /Y "@albumfile@.[*].cue" .


Remove the lines:

SET TrackDir_Flac="@TrackDir_Flac@"
SET TrackDir_Wavpack="@TrackDir_Wavpack@"
SET TrackDir_MP3="@TrackDir_MP3@"
SET TrackDir_AAC="@TrackDir_AAC@"
SET TrackDir_OGG="@TrackDir_OGG@"

... and replace them with the code below:

REM ** Create Disc-related tags if we have a set

REM If a disc name has been provided
IF "@discname@" EQU "" GOTO end_discname
SET discName=discname
SET discName=@%discname%@
IF "@discname@" EQU "%discName%" GOTO end_discname

	REM Set tagging switches
	SET Disc_Flac=-T "discname=@discname@"
	SET Disc_Wavpack=-w "discname=@discname@"
	REM SET Disc_MP3=--frame TSST:"@discname@"
	SET Disc_MP3=--frame "TXXX[setsubtitle]:@discname@"
	SET Disc_OggEnc2=-c "discname=@discname@"
	SET Disc_Tak=-t "discname=@discname@"

	REM Add disc name to folder path
	SET trackDir=%trackDir%\$discname$

	GOTO :end_discnumber


REM Ensure that we have numeric values
SET /A discNumber = @discnumber@ + 0
SET /A totalDiscs = @totaldiscs@ + 0

REM IF a valid disc number and total number of discs has been provided
IF %totalDiscs% LEQ 1 GOTO :end_discnumber
IF %discNumber% LEQ 0 GOTO :end_discnumber

	REM Set tagging switches
	SET Disc_Flac=-T "discnumber=@discnumber@" -T "totaldiscs=@totaldiscs@"
	SET Disc_Wavpack=-w "discnumber=@discnumber@" -w "totaldiscs=@totaldiscs@"
	SET Disc_MP3=--frame TPOS:"@discnumber@/@totaldiscs@"
	SET Disc_NeroAac=--disk "@discnumber@/@totaldiscs@"
	SET Disc_OggEnc2=-c "discnumber=@discnumber@" -c "totaldiscs=@totaldiscs@"
	SET Disc_Tak=-t "discnumber=@discnumber@" -t "totaldiscs=@totaldiscs@"

	REM Add disc number to folder path
	SET trackDir=%trackDir%\Disc @discnumber@


SET TrackDir_Flac="@TrackDir_Flac@%trackDir%"
SET TrackDir_Wavpack="@TrackDir_Wavpack@%trackDir%"
SET TrackDir_MP3="@TrackDir_MP3@%trackDir%"
SET TrackDir_AAC="@TrackDir_AAC@%trackDir%"
SET TrackDir_OGG="@TrackDir_OGG@%trackDir%"
SET TrackDir_Tak="@TrackDir_Tak@%trackDir%"

The code below uses the FLAC section to demonstrate the use of the %Disc_Flac% variable. You will need to amend the other sections accordingly.

IF NOT @Flac@==1 GOTO end_flac_tracks
	IF NOT EXIST %TrackDir_Flac% MKDIR %TrackDir_Flac%
	PUSHD %TrackDir_Flac%
		IF @various@==1 SET VA_tag=-T "album artist=@VA@"
		IF %embed_cover%==1 SET Cover_tag=--picture="|image/jpeg|||@cover@"
		@tools@\flac.exe @Opt_Flac@ %Cover_tag% %VA_tag% %Disc_Flac% -T artist="@artist@" -T album="@album@" -T tracknumber="@track@/@numtracks@" -T title="@title@" -T date="@year@" -T genre="@genre@" -T comment="@comment@" -T encoded-by="%USERNAME%" -T encoding="Flac @Ver_Flac@ @Opt_Flac@" "@source@" -o "%TrackName%.flac"
		IF %have_cover%==1 IF NOT EXIST folder.jpg COPY "@cover@" folder.jpg

%imageDir% and %trackDir%

You may note that I use lines like:

SET imageDir=%imageDir%\$discname$

when I could use:

SET imageDir=\$discname$

This is simply so that the same technique could be used in other sections, before or after the section, all moving toward creating a variable that extends the base path. Using this technique all sections can append, or prepend, to %imageDir% and %trackDir% harmoniously.

For example, I might add another section, before these sections, to deal with an @albumsubtitle@ token. This section may end up setting:

SET imageDir=%imageDir% ($albumsubtitle$)

which could result in:

($albumsubtitle$)\Disc @discnumber@

Related Thread

This tip is a result of Synthetic Soul's dogged pursuit of a method to pass additional meta data into the REACT config files. This particular method was first documented in this post in the REACT 2 thread.