foobar2000:Components/FFmpeg Decoder Wrapper (foo_input_ffmpeg)

From Hydrogenaudio Knowledgebase
FFmpeg Decoder Wrapper

Developer(s) Peter
Release information
Initial release
Stable release 0.8 (August 29, 2022)
Preview release
foobar2000 compatibility
Architecture {{{foobar2000_architecture}}}
Minimum version 1.6
Maximum version
UI module(s) N/A
Additional information
Use Output
Discussion thread {{{discussion_thread}}}
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The FFmpeg Decoder Wrapper allows you to play any FFmpeg-supported audio format through foobar2000.

You need standalone FFmpeg binaries (ffmpeg.exe, ffprobe.exe) on your system in order to use it.

Getting FFmpeg binaries

Compatible FFmpeg binaries for Windows can be obtained from: (64-bit builds) (64-bit builds) (32-bit builds)

No specific requirement about 64bit/32bit/static/shared builds, either should work as long as it runs on your computer.

After downloading and extracting FFmpeg package, use the bottom editbox of the preferences page to specify the folder containing your FFmpeg binaries - ffmpeg.exe and ffprobe.exe are required. If your FFmpeg binaries are present in %PATH%, there's no need to do so.


Before using, you must configure the component for use with specific file formats, as well as point the component at the location of FFmpeg binaries on your system.

The format list comes pre-populated with most common format configurations; however all of them are unchecked by default.

Format name

The name you wish to refer to the format by - shown in open file dialog etc.

File type mask

A wildcard-pattern that defines what files should be fed to this decoder.

Example: *.TAK for TAK files.

Multiple patterns may be specified per one decoder, delimited by semicolon.

This is intentionally kept separate from "format name" to allow alternate extensions and prefix extensions.

You can also specify protocols, e.g. rtmp://* - or combine file types and protocols, e.g. http://*.m3u8

Additional arguments

Additional command-line arguments for ffmpeg. The extra arguments are injected before -i %s. To inject arguments after -i %s, include -i %s in arguments, -i %s will not be inserted again.[1]

Show codec names from FFmpeg

By default, the format name specified above is shown in "codec" info.

Check this to take "codec" info from FFmpeg. Note that since FFmpeg reports short codec names in lowercase, the codec name will be uppercased to match foobar2000 conventions.

Support chapters

Controls whether chapters reported by FFprobe should be presented as separate playlist entries.

This is checked by default. Uncheck to suppress chapter support.

Write tag types

Tag types to write to when the user attempts to edit tags on the file.

You do not need to enable this to read tags from your files, the component will attempt to read popular tag types (ID3v1/v2, APEv2) from your files regardless of this setting.


