The Xing (pronounced "zing") MP3 encoder was one of the fastest MP3 encoders. Of course that comes with a price, and quality wasn't on par with encoders tuned for quality instead of speed, like FhG Slowenc (Audioactive) and LAME. Yet despite its reputation for poor quality, Xing's ~128 kbps VBR mode compared favorably in an early 2004 listening test.
- Encodes .wav to MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 layer 3 audio
- Encodes bitrates ranging from 28 to 320 kbps
- Variable Bitrate (VBR) encoding support
- High Frequency Encoding support (up to 20 kHz)
- Low data rate support
- Several times faster than most popular encoders
- Automated batch processing
- MP3 playback capabilities
- GUI based and command-line encoder front ends
XingMP3 standalone encoder

The last standalone version of the Xing encoder was XingMP3 1.5, released in March 1999. It included a command-line interface (x3enc.exe), and also a GUI (mp3enc.exe) which was restricted to using a limited set of of the command-line encoder's options. Real Networks acquired Xing Technology, a.k.a. XingTech, in 1999, and after XingMP3 1.5, the encoder was only distributed as part of the RealPlayer bundle. Apparently it was further developed over the years.
The Helix MP3 Encoder
In 2005, RealNetworks decided to release the encoder under an open source license as a code library with command-line interface (no GUI), under the new name Helix mp3enc. The encoder was part of the Helix datatype project, a collection of code libraries intended to support the now defunct Helix multimedia project.
In November 2022 HydrogenAudio user maikmerten updated the encoder to include a lametag to provide sample accurate encoding/decoding for VBR and CBR, plus a bug fix to the original code.
A separate Wiki article on the Helix MP3 Encoder documents the state of the encoder including this recent development.