Foobar2000 Talk:0.9 Continuator (foo dsp continuator)

From Hydrogenaudio Knowledgebase

What is the syntax for CONTINUATOR metadata?

Something like this: Tag Name: CONTINUATOR

tag value                         | description
overlap                           | uses default preference-settings
overlap,threshold                 | uses default fade-lengths
overlap,threshold,fadelen         | sets fadelength for both
                                  |  fadeout and fadein - both will have the same value
overlap,threshold,fadeout,fadein  |
crossfade                         | uses default preference-settings
crossfade,fadelen                 | sets fadelength for both fadeout
                                  |  and fadein - both will have the same value
crossfade,fadeout,fadein          |
gapkill                           | alias for "overlap,60"
off                               | disable continuator for this trackchange
  • threshold is in decibels (dB)
  • all fade lengths are in milliseconds (ms)

tag value      | description
overlap[,n]    | track overlapping dependant on volume,
               | optional parameter n: threshold, rms drop in dB (range 0-100)
crossfade[,t]  | track crossfading,
               | optional parameter t: time in ms (range 0-'Maximum overlap length')
off            | do nothing

can anyone confirm that it still works?

and I assume if you have songs, A, B, C, and this tag were on song B, the action would occur on the B->C transition

--Reglib 21:39, 19 May 2006 (CDT)