foobar2000:Components/Scheduler Mod (foo_scheduler_mod)

From Hydrogenaudio Knowledgebase
Scheduler Mod

Developer(s) da yuyu
Repository Github
Release information
Initial release January 23, 2023; 2 years ago
Stable release 4.21 (October 23, 2023)
Preview release
foobar2000 compatibility
Architecture {{{foobar2000_architecture}}}
Minimum version 1.5
Maximum version
UI module(s) N/A
Additional information
Discussion thread {{{discussion_thread}}}
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Plugin for scheduling actions like play, stop, system shutdown/wake up and many more. The schedule for triggering actions can be based on time/date events, player events or user-defined menu items.

This component is a modification of Sheduler (foo_scheduler) by andrew_smolko to make it 64-bit compatible.

External links