Foobar2000:Components/Advanced Controls (foo advancedcontrols)

foobar2000 Advanced Controls is a component for foobar2000 (or Winamp) that enables the user to control all the playback functions of their chosen audio player using icons in the Windows Taskbar/notification area.
In a very small space (2 icons), the user can access all the standard playback functions (Play/Pause, Stop, Load, Previous, Next) and a seek or volume bar. Right-clicking the icons brings up a context menu with all these functions, direct access to preferences, as well as a Delete current track command that sends the currently playing file to the Recycle Bin if possible and then skips to the next track of the playlist.
The component also provides a pop-up balloon when a new song starts, displaying relevant metadata information from the audio file. The format of the pop-up balloon and the duration of time for which it is displayed are fully configurable.
Advanced Controls adds a few hotkey possibilities to the foobar2000 interface: Show current song info (display the pop-up balloon), Delete current song, Reset icons, and an option to toggle the displayed control between volume and a seek slider.
It also provide an option to automatically pause the music when the computer's screen saver starts.
The tray icons can be skinned and a few different icon set are available for download.
Thanks to the help of several contributors, the component is available in 20 languages (as of September 2010), all built in the same library. The language can be selected from the installer, or in the preferences dialog. The component text can thus be displayed in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Simplified Chinese, Russian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Greek, Macedonian, Hungarian, Dutch, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Swedish, and Turkish.
foobar2000 Advanced Controls had been tested on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. The component behavior is slightly different on Windows 7 due major changes in the Windows Taskbar interaction possibilities, such as the drag & drop reordering of notification icons.