From Hydrogenaudio Knowledgebase
Beta 2
- Fixed crash on old configuration import.
Beta 3
- Component loader no longer probes menu command GUIDs, which was crashing some components. Was meant to prevent specific known incompatible components from loading.
- Now shows CPU architecture (x86 or x64) in about box.
- Fixed Media Library performing unnecessary tag reloads in some scenarios.
- Crash bugs fixed.
- Made Preferences / Output / Devices usable without a mouse.
Beta 4
- MP4 tagging: do not set Various Artists if itunescompilation is present but set to 0.
- Crash bugs fixed.
- Made installer refuse to upgrade old non-portable installs containing profile data in application folder, which is no longer supported.
- Fixed metadb lock up with large queryInfoMulti() batches.
- Fixed library search by rating not working.
- Added ReFacets to library viewers list.
- Fixed missing double click to fullscreen in Default UI visualisations.
- Fixed disappearing live playback info on playback statistics update.
- Fixed longer-than-necessary gap when reopening exclusive-mode output on format change.
- Fixed seekbar & visualisation glitches when playing very short audio tracks with exclusive-mode output.
Beta 5
- Fixed various crash bugs.
- Improved rendering performance of very large playlists with grouping & album art enabled.
- Made ReFacets sorting remembered.
- Fixed inverted titles of "Add Files" vs "Open" dialogs.
- Reduced output reopen delay when input format (channel count etc) changes.
- Improved dark mode rendering of checkboxes.
- Suppressed library error log lines about folder.jpg etc inside archive files.
Beta 6
- Fixed playlist layout glitch regression from beta 5.