PsyTEL AACenc Guide

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Encoding from Wav to AAC using Psytel AACenc

Tools you'll need for this tutorial:

Psytel AACenc AAC encoder (File Out of date)

Optional (but recommended):

Ivan & Menno AACenc frontend by Speek

Psyteldrop  AACenc frontend by layer3maniac (File Out of date)

Getting started

  1. From the AACenc package, uncompress aacenc.exe and ia32math.dll to some folder (e.g: C:\Music\AACenc)
  2. If you plan to use one of the frontends, decompress it to the same folder.

Encoding with frontends (recommended)

Encoding with Psyteldrop

  1. Run Psyteldrop
  2. Right click on it -> Options -> Programs -> Set encoder. Browse to AACenc's location and select it
Psyteldrop screen shot 1
  1. Right click -> Quality -> VBR -> Normal
Psyteldrop screen shot 2
  1. Now, select some WAV files and drop them over the Psyteldrop window. After some time, you'll have a bunch of AAC files in the same folder as the original wav files. Now you can delete the wav files.

Encoding with Ivan&Menno

  1. Run Ivan&Menno
  2. On the options screen, select AACenc as encoder
type -normal at options
select format "aac"
Speek frontend
  1. Drag'n'drop the WAV files at the "files" box, or use the "Add files" button
  2. Click encode. After some time, you'll have a bunch of AAC files in the same folder as the original wav files. Now you can delete the wav files.

Encoding from the command line (not recommended)

  1. Run the Windows command prompt program
  2. Go to the directory where AACenc is (E.G: 'cd C:\Music\AACenc')
  3. Run the command line as follows:
aacenc -normal -if "C
\music\tracks\file name.wav"
(replacing 'C:\music\tracks\file name.wav' with the path to your WAV file)
AACenc command line
  1. After encoding finishes, you can delete the wav file
del "C
\music\tracks\file name.wav"
  1. To leave the command prompt, type 'exit'

Obs: If you want to use advanced AACenc switches, check this document (File Out of date)

These switches should only be used by advanced users.