REACT:Backup DATA Track
Here's a method to backup all the files from an enhanced cd when ripping albums with REACT.
Brief explanation what the following code does:
- Check from a cuefile if there's a data track present in the CD.
- Get CD label from DIR command.
- Create a subdir DATA TRACK (<CD label>).
- Copy all files (+hidden and system files) with attributes from the CD drive including empty subdirs.
- Pause and print error message if there was an error in the copy process.
Edit your REACT.ini file and make sure that the following two lines are set correctly.
Under [Settings]:
Under [UserSettings]:
Change the drive letter to match your cd ripping drive.
Use the following code in your REACT-image.cfg or REACT-track.cfg file.
REM ** Copy all files from the CD if there's a data track. SET /A DataExists=0 IF EXIST "@albumfile@.[mg].cue" ( SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%i IN ('FINDSTR /R "TRACK....MODE*" "@albumfile@.[mg].cue"') DO SET /A DataExists=!DataExists! + 1 SETLOCAL DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ) IF NOT %DataExists%==0 ( ECHO ===== BACKING UP DATA FILES ===== SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION REM ** Get CD label FOR /F "tokens=5* delims= " %%a IN ('DIR @CDDrive@ ^| FIND /I "Volume in drive"') DO SET CDLabel=%%b SET DataDir=DATA TRACK ^(!CDLabel!^) MKDIR "!DataDir!" REM ** Copy all files (+hidden and system files) with attributes from the CD drive including empty subdirs XCOPY @CDDrive@\*.* "!DataDir!" /E /H /K REM ** Pause on errors. IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO. &ECHO ===== COPY FAILED ===== &ECHO. &PAUSE SETLOCAL DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION )
In example, you could put the above code between PUSHD and POPD lines in the post-processing section of the REACT-track.cfg file:
IF @Flac@==1 ( PUSHD %TrackDir_Flac% IF %add_rg%==1 @tools@\Glob.exe -v -c @tools@\metaflac.exe %RG_MetaFlac% *.flac REM COPY /Y "@eaclog@" "EAClog.txt" <INSERT THE CODE HERE> POPD )
This method has been tested to work at least in Windows XP.