From Hydrogenaudio Knowledgebase
Revision as of 11:44, 9 November 2006 by MaB fr (talk | contribs) (→‎Definition)

The WMPTSE API is the interface between the WMPTSE plug-in and its "tag support dll".

A tag support dll give WMPTSE the ability to add support of a tag format in Windows Media Player. With the this "tag support dll" properly installed, files tagged with its format are readable inside WMP.


Every WMPTSE API application must export two function (c standard call):

BOOL Read<TagFormat>Tag( LPTSTR lpstrFileFullPath, METATAG * pMetaTag )

BOOL Write<TagFormat>Tag( LPTSTR lpstrFileFullPath, TAGITEM tagiChangedItem )

<TagFormat> will be the name of the corresponding tag format (APE, Vorbis, MPEG4). It will be search by WMPTSE during the load process.


Note : All types and definition are declared in WMPTSE.h. It is simple for developper to include it at first.

For reading purpose, we will expose the necessary structure definition here.

struct stTagItem											
	char *	MetaTagWMPKey;	/** the MediaLibrary attribute's name */
	LPTSTR	MetaTagValue;	/** the value to set */
#define TAGITEM struct stTagItem		
typedef struct stTagItem * LPTAGITEM;				

struct stMetaTag
	UINT	uiNbItems;	/** number of list tags */
	LPTAGITEM tagiItems;	/** pointer to array of pointer to tag items */
#define METATAG struct stMetaTag
typedef struct stMetaTag * LPMETATAG;