Foobar2000:Components 0.9/Panel Stack Splitter (foo uie panel splitter)
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foo_uie_panel_splitter is an extension for Columns UI that allows you to place objects freely within the foobar2000 window, including panels, text (e.g., track info), and images.
foobar2000 v0.9.5.1+, Columns UI 0.3+
Reference (translated and adapted from Japanese Read me)
foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll v0.3.8.3a (2009/12/11) for foobar2000 v0.9.5.2+, Columns UI0.3 +, WindowsXP +
Panel Splitter shares many similarities to the playlist panel component ELPlaylist, because it is being developed by the same author ssenna. Therefore functions and fields are very similar.
Columns UI panel to place the splitter And without borders, or a little over a panel and set the highest possible degree of freedom. Has been stable or loose?
Add and remove panels from the basic layout of the ColumnsUI do. They can add from the context menu.
Placement of the panel and automatic alignment mode, forced mode is set. Auto-deploy mode, a horizontal (Horizontal) or placed in a vertical direction (Vertical) or choose a place. Forced layout mode that is placed on the force placed on the panel.
- size: size of the display panel (Horizontal size if horizontal, Vertical Vertical size of it)
- lock size: a place without scaling.
- off when the size of each panel to be placed according to the Splitter and the appropriate scaling for size.
- ± 1 to lock the current situation that would blur pixel minutes.
- So hard to fix, could not fix.
- forced layout: left Top width right under it to force the panel to be placed in the specified range.
(size and auto-scaling is disabled)
If you stacked the panel appears on the front panel as a list of the top panel (But depends on the implementation of the child panel. I have come to the front panel profusely.) Title Formatting is enabled. %_width% %_height% in the horizontal width of the Panel Stack Splitter, you can see the vertical width. Example:
left: $div(%_width%,4) top: $div(%_height%,4) width: $div(%_width%,2) height: $div(%_height%,2)
Also, Splitter mode to specify a value relative to size. is on the use percentage value is, Splitter percentage for the size of the [0-100] can be specified. use percentage value of setting example:
left: 25 top: 25 width: 50 height: 50
- padding: Add a space around the panel.
Title Formatting to put the numbers are fixed, so invalid. If the automatic alignment panels, padding can be resized with the mouse as if the border is set. enable resizable border with on / off can be
- caption: The name of the panel, the identifier
- use background color: the color specified, the background fill.
- use image: specify a fixed background image. TitleFormatting is disabled.
- pseudo transparent: splitter to simulate a transparent background. (splitter and if you use the nest)
- ColumnsUI in the panel is to present the panel with the transparent background feature, use background color or use image backgrounds are often not transparent and does not use the panel.
Script Tab
titleformat mode on startup: when you start the TitleFormat PerTrack modes.
- now playing TF play that track
- follow cursor on the selected tracks in playlist
- last mode at the end of the previous mode (the switch mode button to save)
- title formatting script:
Titleformat here to describe, and decorative backgrounds. However, the child is on the panel can not be drawn.
Extended Command Reference Sensitive argument, or optional, and not implemented. Note: Do not waste the space. (Carriage return accepted)
in title formatting script is evaluated,
- Today
- Per Track: track and play and play·When the user changes the size of the state changed when paused. Function when the REFRESH button.
- Per Second: second, when a change in the state play in the function when the REFRESH button.
- Per Second, especially that not only can handle high-stress functions.
- GDI is recommended that you use the drawing functions.
Returns the width of the Splitter
Returns the height of the Splitter
TF mode returns. (Per Track when enabled)
- 0 nowplaying mode
- 1 follow cursor mode
Whether during playback
Whether suspended
Foobar2000 executable path
Font settings.
- OPTIONS: bold italic underline strikeout
- Example: $font(Tahoma,10,bolditalic)
Draws a string at the coordinates (x,y). The size of the text field is defined by width (W) and height (H).
Note: This function is a string and there is also a GDI version of the same functions available $drawtext and $drawtextex. This function might work for TrueType fonts, only.
OPTIONS: Align specified, the specified quality of drawing, and to specify the clip.
- Align: left hcenter right specified horizontal
- Align: specified top vcenter bottom vertical
- nowrap: disables text wrap
- noaa: ClearType and disable anti-aliasing.
- aa: put the anti-aliasing mode. ClearType font such as resistance to the anti-aliasing.
- hq: high quality rendering mode. ClearType mode. (default)
- glow_aa glow option to use a special mode. (noaa, aa, hq exclusive)
- trimchar and trimword: Trimming of the text to fit the display range
- elipchar and elipword: Shortens the text to fit the the display range. If set the end of the line will be replaced with "···"
- mempos getlastpos: to be able to get the coordinates of the drawing
OPTIONS2 - specifying the glow effect (experimental stage):
- glow:expand:colour[:strength]: glow options
- Expand - [0-5]
- Colour - r-g-b
- Strength - [0-3] glow_aa case of disabled
- X - glow in the horizontal offset
- Y - glow in the vertical offset
Glow is a heavy process. (Especially the pseudo transparent)
- glow_aa be used only when the specified
- outline: colour color draws a thin border of the specified character (if glow_aa)
- Colour r-g-b
- semibold to the characters a little thick (if glow_aa)
These specifications may be changed. Changes in the glow, especially drawing, and semibold outline and may be discontinued.
- $drawstring(abcd,10,10,,,255-128-64-128,)
- $drawstring(abcd,10,10,,,255-128-64-128,leftvcenter,glow:2:255-255-255)
- $drawstring(efgh,10,10,,,255-255-255,vcenterglow_aa,glow:1:32-168-268semibold)
- $drawstring(wxyz,10,10,,,255-255-255,glow_aa,glow:0:32-168-268semiboldoffset:2:1outline:32-168-268)
- $drawstring(wxyz,10,10,,,255-255-255,,glow:2:32-168-268:1)
- $drawstring(wxyz,10,10,,,255-255-255,elipchar)
Rectangular drawing function. Coordinates (x,y) size (w,h) Draws a rectangle.
- R1-G1-B1-A1 internal color
- R2-G2-B2-A2 border color
- Aa - enable anti aliasing
- $drawrect(0,50,50,50,255-128-64-128,,aa)
Draws a rectangle with gradient fill at the coordinates (x,y) and size (w,h)
- r1-g1-b1-a1 gradient start color
- r2-g2-b2-a2 peak color gradient
- vertical: vertical gradient
- horizontal: horizontal gradient
- aa: enable anti aliasing
- nonlinear: nonlinear gradient
PEAK: 0-100
- Shifted the peak position of the gradient.
- 0 by default, to end at peak color.
- 50 When is the peak of color.
- $gradientrect(0,50,50,50255-128-64-128255-255-255,vertical aa)
- $gradientrect(0,50,50,50255-128-64-128255-255-255,,10)
Draws a rectangle with a blured outline at the coordinates (x,y) and size (w,h)
- Level [1-7]: blur level
Function to draw a dotted line shows the focus rectangle frame specified.
Visual Style in a rectangle with a control (button or progress bar) function to draw. The only practical to draw a picture may be low. Visual Style not defined in control will not be drawn. At least WindowXP required.
- Specify the name of the type of control you want to draw. One of the following:
- window button rebar toolbar status listview header progress tab trackbar tooltip treeview spin scrollbar
- edit combobox taskbar taskband startpanel explorerbar
- the parts you want to draw ID. Could we use the following number in the range for each control as a guide.
- In most cases, less than what I have defined.
- Window: 1-37
- Button rebar listview tooltip: 1-5
- Toolbar: 1-6
- Status treeview taskband: 1-3
- Header spin: 1-4
- Progress: 1-4
- Tab trackbar scrollbar :1-10
- Edit: 1-2
- Combobox: 1
- Taskbar: 1-8
- Startpanel: 1-11
- Explorerbar: 1-12
- the state and selected ID. If the component does not have to specify the state is 0.
- stateId is 0 or 1 or 2 would not be drawn in, the parts are not defined.
- $drawthemerect (0,0,%el_width%,%el_height%,tab,10,0) / / tab of body parts drawn
- $drawthemerect (,,,,progress,3,0) / / Draw the progress bar bar
Draws a rectangle with rounded corners at coordinates (x,y) and size (w, h). The degree of roundness is defined by (w2,h2).
- In order to achieve a decent effect the condition w>4*w2 and h>4*h2 should be matched.
- R1-G1-B1-A1 internal color
- R2-G2-B2-A2 border color
- $drawroundrect(10,20,50,50,4,4,255-255-128-255,,)
Draws an ellipse at coordinates (x,y) with size (w,h).
- R1-G1-B1-A1 internal color
- R2-G2-B2-A2 border Color
Draw a triangle and vertex function.
- (x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3)
- R1-G1-B1-A1 internal color
- R2-G2-B2-A2 Border Color
- aa: enable anti aliasing
- $drawtriangle(10,5,20,10,10,15200-100-100,,aa)
Displays an image at Coordinates (x,y) with size (w,h) specified by path. After the image is resized, it is cached in the memory. The image is referenced, the memory is removed from them.
- absolute path of the image (or an embedded image of AudioFile path)
- nokeepaspect: not to maintain aspect ratio (nodisplay, archive, icon options and non-exclusive)
- nodisplay: Hide image, read only in memory
- noexpansion: image will not be expanded if smaller than the specified image size
- left right: horizontal alignment
- top bottom: vertical alignment
- wc: enables wildcard characters (*,?).
<read mode>
- archive: archive reader through the path of the images. The format of the archive reader is path dependent, the absolute path of the archive | base path in the archive file.
- Example: C:\aaa\|bbb/ccc.jpg
- icon: path is specified in the icon file (*.ico) to appear.
- artreader: Audio artreader path specified by the embedded image file foobar2000 loaded at the core of the artwork reader. If you do not have embedded images, audio files to load the images folder. However slow.
- Audio artreader_front path specified by the embedded image file foobar2000 loaded at the core of the artwork reader.
- Audio artreader_back path specified by the embedded image file foobar2000 loaded at the core of the artwork reader.
- Audio artreader_disc path specified by the embedded image file foobar2000 loaded at the core of the artwork reader.
- Audio artreader_icon path specified by the embedded image file foobar2000 loaded at the core of the artwork reader.
- (artreader_*** are currently not recommended optionss because these seem to be slow)
n: rotateflip Index for:
- 1: 90°
- 2: 180°
- 3: 270°
- 4: flip horizontal
- 5: 90° + flip horizontal
- 6: Flipped vertically
- 7: 90° + Flip Vertically
Alpha (Opacity)
- 0-255
OPTIONS2 (shadow effect)
- Glow:expand:colour
- Offset:x:y
- $imageabs(10,10,50,50,C:\%album%.jpg)
- $imageabs(10,10,50,50,C:\%album%.jpg,left top)
- $imageabs(10,10,50,50,C:\%album%.jpg,,6)
- $imageabs(10,10,50,50,C:\%album%.*,wc,6)
- $imageabs(10,10,50,50,C:\%album%.jpg,bottom,,128)
- $imageabs(10,10,50,50,C:\%album%.jpg,bottom,,,glow :2:0-0-0 offset: 4:4)
- $imageabs(10,10,50,50,%path%,artreader)
To view the clip and resize images. Path specified by the image size (rw, rh) after resizing, portion of the area (srcx, srcy, srcw, srch) coordinates (x, y) size (srcw, srch) to display. In memory (rw, rh) cache. When you evaluate the TF (rw, rh) with changes in, to refresh the image. Therefore, rw, rh is to specify a fixed value. If there are images true, if false is returned.
OPTIONS (imageabs):
- nokeepaspect: not maintain the aspect ratio
- nodisplay: Hide read only memory
- archive
- Icon
- Horizontal Alignment
- left
- hcener
- right
- Vertical Alignment
- top
- vcenter
- bottom
N rotateflip Index for:
- 1: 90°
- 2: 180°
- 3: 270°
- 4: flip horizontal
- 5: 90° + flip horizontal
- 6: Flipped vertically
- 7: 90° + Flip Vertically
Alpha (Opacity)
- 0-255
- $imageabs_rc(200,100,0,0,100,50,10,10,C:\%album%.jpg,,6,192)
- $imageabs_rc(200,100,0,0,200,100,10,10,C:\%album%.jpg,,) ( = $imageabs(10,10,200,100,C:\%album%.jpg,left top,,) )
- $imageabs_rc(150,120,0,0,150,120,20,15,C:\%album%.jpg,hcenter vcenter,) ( = $imageabs(20,15,150,120,C:\%album%.jpg,,,) )
Displays an image at Coordinates (x,y) with size (w,h) specified by path. The function is similar to $imageabs. w and h show the size of the original if omitted. Removed from memory immediately after being displayed. TF to be reloaded each time the images are evaluated.
You can see a huge image, the amount of occupied memory?RASHITAKATTARI to see more pictures, $imageabs for those who do not like the resizing process.
- nokeepaspect: not to maintain aspect ratio
- Alignment
- Left
- Right
- Top
- Bottom
n: rotateflip index for
- 1: 90°
- 2: 180°
- 3: 270°
- 4: flip horizontal
- 5: 90° + flip horizontal
- 6: Flipped vertically
- 7: 90° + Flip Vertically
alpha: 0-255
- Opacity (transparency)
Additional drawing functions
Display function imageabs, imageabs_rc right after, to get the coordinates to draw a picture. Also, $measurestring use them when you get the results. If you are drawString, mempos available only immediately after the specified coordinates.
Elem element to retrieve.
X: left Y: top W: width H: height R: right B: bottom
$setworldtransform(2) $puts(img_path,C:\%album%.jpg) $imageabs(10,4,100,100,$get(img_path),top noexpansion,) $imageabs($getlastpos(x),$getlastpos(b),$getlastpos(w),20,$get(img_path),top nokeepaspect,6) $gradientrect($getlastpos(x),$getlastpos(y),$getlastpos(w),$getlastpos(h),%el_backcolour%-128,%el_backcolour%-255) $setworldtransform(0)
$drawstring to calculate the area when drawing text. As a result, returns to the horizontal width of the viewing area. The display area is to get $getlastpos. OPTIONS is the same as $drawstring. If $drawstring uses the glow_aa or glow options, the $measurestring value returned may not be accurate.
The image path is specified in $imageabs $imageabs_rc of cache memory. If the image has been resized in the horizontal width and vertical width it returns the respective values. This means that only have $imageabs $imageabs_rc behind. nokeepaspect may be able to calculate the aspect ratio should be applied.
Set the mode to specify the coordinates. Window space (0,0) ~ (%_width%,%_height%) where a, percentage specified in the mode, (0,0) to (100100) mapping.
- x,y,W,H, can be set individually.
- x,y,W,H, all affect the function of one argument.
- bx x coordinate specified mode
- 0: Splitter mode specified in absolute coordinates
- 1: Splitter value relative to the size (percentage) and designated.
- mode specified by y coordinates
- bw w coordinates specified mode
- bh h coordinates specified mode
$getsyscolour (index)
The r-g-b color system in the fo
index: [0-30] color index system
Calculates the average color R-g-b-a of a given set of colors.
(Colour1 + colour2 +···) / N
Calculates the average weighted w1,w2[,···] color R-g-b-a of a given set of colors.
(w1 * colur1 + w2 * colour2 +···+ wN * colourN) / (w1 + w2 +···+ wN)
Adds colors r-g-b-a of a given set.
Colour1 + colour2 + ··· + colourN
Substracts colors r-g-b-a of a given set.
Colour1 - colour2 - colour3···- colourN
General-purpose system functions
Determinates whether the specified file(s) exist(s) and returns the first file. If you do not have the file does not return anything. (Strictly speaking, "false" returns). Path can be specified. The path allows wildcards.
function buttons
Create a button. Per Track only available. Per Second is not to write.
- text: the button label
- mover_text: the button label when mouse over
command: "Type of instruction: arguments" specified in the form of
- be no extra spaces
- Going to be separated by a specified multiple orders.
- A few instructions that can be specified.
- Very difficult to implement. . .
- And the splitter so that the characters and words in these arguments, could not parse well.
Note 1: Do not specify the order processing time. Note 2: If you specify more than one instruction, the instruction execution order is not guaranteed. Especially if WINDOWSIZE and COMMAND is specified, WINDOWSIZE probably be better to run. COMMAND, CONTEXT and others, the order may be warranted.
COMMAND: command_path
- command_path to run the command specified by menu.
- COMMAND: View / Equalizer and COMMAND: File / Preferences; COMMAND: Playback / Play
- To specify that you can use the input help in setting some of them.
- TF command_path Note also that as COMMAND: 'View / Equalizer' and it's recommended.
CONTEXT: context_path
- context_path KONTEKISUTOMENYUKOMANDO be designated to perform.
- Handles the context menu of the currently playing track.
- CONTEXT: Properties to specify the like.
- TF context_path Note also that as
PANELSHOW: cap: sh
- The caption of the child panel cap / hide.
- sh: 0 hide
- 1.
- -1 Show / hide toggle
TFMODE: mode
- Per Track titleformat to change the mode.
- mode: 0 nowplaying mode
- 1 follow curosr mode
- -1 Toggle
REFRESH: TF of PerTrack, PerSecond update.
specify the default decoration (can specify more than one, separated by spaces)
- fontcolor: r-g-b-color of the text
- brushcolor: rgba color fills the rectangle button
- pencolor: r-g-b-a color button border
- left top bottom right position of the text
decorative specify when mouse over (can specify more than one, separated by spaces)
- fontcolor: r-g-b-color of the text
- brushcolor: rgba color fills the rectangle button
- pencolor: r-g-b-a color button border
- left top bottom right position of the text
- $textbutton (0,0,80,20,play,play,COMMAND: Playback / Play,fontcolor:64-64-64brushcolor:192-192-192-128pencolor:0-0-0,fontcolor:32--32-32)
- $textbutton (100,0,80,20,Resize,Resize,PANELSHOW:aaa:-1;REFRESH,fontcolor:64-64-64leftbottom,fontcolor:32-32-32)
Create an image button. Per Track only available. Per Second is not to write. The internal processing of the images are treated equally and $imageabs will be cached in memory. w, h is omitted, path to original image size is specified. textbutton command is common.
Display options:
- nokeepaspect
- left
- top
- bottom
- right
When mouse over the image display options
- nokeepaspect
- left
- top
- bottom
- right
GDI drawing functions
Using the Windows System Component GDI to draw. GDI functions are usually faster, but they do not allow alpha blending and shadow effects (glow).
GDI text drawing functions. Text coordinates (x, y) in output
- Align left hcenter right specified horizontal
- Align specified top vcenter bottom vertical
- Not noclip clip
GDI drawing functions text_2 Text coordinates (x, y) in output
- Align left hcenter right specified horizontal
- Align specified top vcenter bottom vertical
- Not noclip clip
- Allow specified wrap wraparound (vcenter, bottom and exclusive)
- end_ellipsis If you clip text, replace the end of the text ...
Example: $drawtextex(text,0,0,%_width%,%_height%,0-0-0,hcenter vcenter end_ellipsis)
For the use with GDI text functions (drawtext, drawtextex). Returns the width in the text when drawing horizontal text. Optionaly the font can be specified FONTNAME, SIZE and OPTIONS (bold, italic, etc).
For the use with GDI text functions (drawtext, drawtextex). Returns vertical width of text. can specify the font ($ font option). Optionaly the font can be specified FONTNAME, SIZE and OPTIONS (bold, italic, etc).
Filled rectangle function
Function of the fill rectangle with rounded corners
Panel operating system functions
Apparently drawing functions and the TF is such low efficiency of the frame together, Future plans to??.
$showpanel(i,sh) or $showpanel_c(caption,sh)
Panel, change the function inactive
- i: somethingth in the child panel list (counting from 0)
- sh: 0: Inactive 1: View
$movepanel(i,x,y,W,H,) or $movepanel_c(caption,x,y,W,H,)
i somethingth in the child panel list (counting from 0)
Panel Force layout only for the specified coordinates (x, y) size (w, h) to move on.
i: returns the list of child panel captions are set in the second panel.
Returns the status panel.