
From Hydrogenaudio Knowledgebase

foobar2000 ideas

  • alter fft window function for less-aliased spectrogram (completed)
  • move folders along with files (completed)
  • close and re-open files for file moves like is done for tag edits (asked, denied)
  • multiple tab orientations for tabs ui element (asked, pending)
  • automatically fill values extensions (asked, pending)
  • auto-detect optimal bit-depth (asked, pending)
  • open containing folder on files in .zips (asked, pending)

foobar2000 bugs

  1. Drag and drop from Default UI to a device causing a copy will lock UI for the length of the file transfer.

Playback statistics-based autoplaylist order bug (won't fix)

  1. Take an autoplaylist containing "%play_count% IS 0".
  2. Play a song for less than a minute.
  3. Hit next.
  4. Listen to all of the next song.
  5. The song you skipped will be played!

foobar2000 configuration strings

A bunch of random stuff I keep stored to make setup faster. Signed so anyone can see when the last mod time was.

foo_texttools now-playing spam

$puts(sep,$select($add($mod($crc32(%playback_time%%title%),14),1),⇌,∿,▶,★,☮,☢,☠,☣,♩,♪,♫,♬,❤,⁂))/me $get(SEP) "%title%" by %artist% $get(SEP) [%date%:]%album%/[%disc%.]%tracknumber%$if(%genre%, $get(SEP) %genre%$if(%style%,/$meta_sep(style,/)))$if($or(%publisher%,%catalog number%), $get(SEP) [[%reissue date%:]%catalog number%]$if($and(%catalog number%,%publisher%),@)[%publisher%])

Canar 21:55, 14 June 2010 (UTC)

standard properties fields

Album Artist=ALBUM ARTIST;Artist Name=ARTIST;Country=COUNTRY;Album Title=ALBUM;Date=DATE;Reissue Date=REISSUE DATE;Publisher=PUBLISHER;Catalog Number=CATALOG NUMBER;Disc Number=DISCNUMBER;Total Discs=TOTALDISCS;Track Number=TRACKNUMBER;Total Tracks=TOTALTRACKS;Vinyl Track=VINYLTRACK;Media=MEDIATYPE;Track Title=TITLE;Featuring=FEATURING;Genre=GENRE;Style=STYLE;Discogs Release ID=DISCOGS ID

Canar 21:55, 14 June 2010 (UTC)

capitalization and normalization

This is not exhaustive nor canonical; sometimes it will decapitalize things that I think should be capitalized. Furthermore, due to the nuances of $replace, using this in a masstagger script successfully means running data through it twice.

$replace($caps2(%title%), A , a , An , an , The , the , And , and , But , but , Or , or , Nor , nor , At , at , By , by , For , for , From , from , In , in , Into , into , Of , of , Off , off , On , on , Onto , onto , Out , out , Over , over , To , to , Up , up , With , with , As , as , & , and )

Canar 20:09, 14 June 2010 (UTC)

Incomplete nonsense

User:Canar:Titleformat syntax guide User:Canar:hurr