Rubyripper Debian and Ubuntu Based Distro Installation

From Hydrogenaudio Knowledgebase
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Add extra repositories

## Christian Marillat's Mult-Media Repository for Unstable
deb sid main
## Christian Marillat's Mult-Media Repository for Unstable - Experimental Staging
deb experimental main
## RareWares/Debian Multi-Media Repository for Unstable - Experimental Staging
deb ./
Then you need to import Christian Marillat's authentication key

gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 1F41B907 | sudo apt-key add -

Stable Version Install

Update and then install Rubyripper

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install rubyripper

Run Rubyripper


Development Version

Open a console and type

sudo apt-get install libfreedb-ruby libglade2-ruby lame cd-discid

Download the files

Run from directory
  • Make the files rubyripper_gtk2 and rubyripper_cli executable (chmod +x <filename>)
  • ./rubyripper_gtk2.rb or ./rubyripper_cli.rb can be used to launch each
  • ruby rubyripper_gtk2.rb or ruby rubyripper_cli.rb should also work

External links