Slim Devices Transporter

From Hydrogenaudio Knowledgebase


Transporter is a hi-end audiophile grade network audio player that is designed by Slim Devices (now Logitech Inc). It interfaces with Pandora and many other streaming internet radio stations.

Technical Specifications

Audio Input and Outputs

Audio Outputs

  • Digital and analog outputs
  • Gold-plated RCA, XLR, and BNC connectors
  • Volume control is provided for all outputs
  • Multiple outputs may be used at the same time

Analog Outputs

  • AKM AK4396 Multi-bit delta-sigma digital to analog converter
  • Signal-to-noise, Dynamic Range: 120dB
  • THD+Noise: -106dB (0.00005%)
  • Linear Super-Regulated supplies for DAC and line-out stages

Digital Outputs and Inputs

  • Optical, coax, BNC, and XLR digital connectors
  • Word clock input for synchronization with an external clock
  • Linear-regulated power for all clock paths
  • Dedicated high-precision crystal oscillators (no PLL, no resampling)
  • Standard IEC-958 (S/PDIF) or AES/EBU encoding
  • Optical connector: TOSLINK 660nm
  • RCA connector: capacitor-coupled 500mVpp into 75 ohms
  • BNC connector: transformer-coupled, 500mVpp into 75 ohms
  • XLR connector: 4.7Vpp into 110 ohms
  • Sample rates: 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 96kHz
  • Audio format: linear PCM, 16 or 24 bits per sample
  • Jitter (standard deviation):
11ps at oscillator (intrinsic jitter)
17ps at DAC
35ps at S/PDIF receiver

Audio Codecs




Technical information




External links