High resolution

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Revision as of 12:33, 15 January 2022 by Porcuswiki (talk | contribs) (More explanation; RIAA definition; faking it.)
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With regards to (digital) audio, high resolution typically means sampling rates / bit depths exceeding 48 kHz / 16 bits (compare to CD's 44100/16). 48k/16 is the least sampling rate and bit depth possible in DVDs that choose PCM for audio[1], and was at some time even more common than 44.1k/16 in computer soundcards (cf. Intel's AC'97 standard[2]). Given that this format is widely accepted as sufficient as an end-user format, given the limitations of human hearing, the absence of a universally agreed-upon definition of “high resolution” audio need not be of much practical concern, and possibly the least resolution accepted in any widepsread definition is 48 kHz / 20 bits adopted for marketing purposes by the RIAA[3].

There are "fake" high resolution claims made for marketing purposes, and also algorithms that manipulate the audio to that end - notably has the lossy MQA format been exposed of adding noise to CDDA format files and falsely presenting the doctored file as an "authentic" high-resolution master[4] - but arguably, this constitutes only a next step over lossy files decoded and sold as lossless, or fake SPARS codes indicating that a CD was digitally sourced[5].